Friday, July 26, 2013

Big Data (the elephant in the room - A person centered design

Person Centered Design - Big Data - the elephant in the room

Social Media as a Channel

A method for managing people with all the associated relationships rather than disparate records with only partial use.

The lower left hand corner infers the presentation or hide of information in a data store.  Assume this view would be from the system of record a trusted source. 

Presentation - Design for Quality

The next diagram will provide a common way to group people or a person over time.  In the view we can assume a template was created in Insight Maker allowing simulation and scenario building for the purpose of re-use in any community.  

A stock and flow model allows us to insert different variables and simulate the impacts of the change.  

Simulation Models in Insight Maker

The above diagram serves as a guide, it can be copied and re-used by any registered user.   The application is an open source application.   The system thinking world team has done an excellent job of organizing learning around the subject of system thinking.  A person over time experiences different milestones by these groups.  The intent allows a guide for he person creating a model, giving you all groups to aid in understanding what you or your program ARE NOT going to supply in delivery.  Allowing targeted messaging.

Align chart of accounts for transaction segmentation and roles based access

Complexity segmentation using sub-account codes

The model above allows us to understand the segmentation strategy in alignment with the Chart of Accounts, a well structured segmentation allows re-usability and operational performance summaries by design.  Roles based accessed for example; a person has relationships with a specific branch, a portfolio type relationship or a business function relationship.

A kids focused social media example 

 Social Media as a Channel

 Delivery in a parental control style model

Understanding the dynamics and customer size

The above diagram gives us another dimension; a social media "channel".  Shown above are the types of players we will see in the space, perhaps LinkedIn should be on the diagram.  What do you think?  Is integration with a kids social media site "worthy" of LinkedIn's road map.  Imagine not having to worry about the legal liabilities of managing customer, supplier and employee list e files. 

What if we served the files to a repository using the first presentation and relationship diagram?

Instead you simply target the age grouping understand the demographic variables in the middle of the diagram and run your analytical insights from a content store.  

Finally, notice the top right corner.  The diagram is a wavy line through the maturity of a new innovative offer in education.  the objective is to go from slow to fast lane with an ability to return to slow lane if rework on the new offer needs to be considered.  In this diagram the exit from the "left to right" across the bottom indicates you have cleared first customer shipment.   You exit and head from "right to left" in the opposite direction when you've managed to gain a customers attention.  The bottom from "left to right" is your journey as an expense transaction.   When you've been configured and tested and cleared quality you are ready for revenue streams on the opposite direction from "right to left". 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Social Media - Google Evaluation

Google Social Media Digital Architecture Use Case

Communities in Google+

A community was created to test the use of a community to interact with the suppliers and advisory members. The community concepts is not widely adopted throughout the industry.

The community concept is well done from a visual perspective.
The community concept is fairly straightforward, with the only exception being the ability to maintain privacy and integrity of the information.  

Privacy set to "Private" 

Post set to "a named user"

Each day following, the community would have new universities following the Private Community.  If private these followers would not be able to associate themselves with the community. 

Any government and most companies in general need a certain degree of privacy and assurance of the providers intent to respect the settings in the community.  Having many places to mark private isn't helpful, nor does it help to have settings that are being ignored.  It can place a legal liability on a person who's not aware.

Far too many private post and do not share outside a circle have been available to people and parties who SHOULD NOT be able to see under any circumstances.  


A user and person promoting the use of Google or Google+ will be difficult to support without some better practices around what's important to the audience I am hoping to engage in the platform.  

Pages in Google+

Pages are designed for publishing or push to an audience-not unlike Facebook pages.

Google Drive

Using Google Drive for the purpose of managing records for any public or private sector audience would be against most recognized best practices.

The challenge similar to the community issue with far more aggressive results, changes to documents which are not tracked yet clearly made against protected versions stored offline.  

The applications in Google Drive are broadly viewed and therefore any privacy on the drive is not managed as an application is a content provider and managed as a different entity. 

Google Applications in Google Drive

Several applications were identified and tested using the requirements from the ICT State Treasury for the clients benefit.  The intent was to discovery or prove viability around proposed cloud solutions. 

Cacoo - Visio style application

The applications in Google Drive are broadly viewed and therefore any privacy on the drive is not managed as an application is a content provider and managed as a different entity.  

Public Cloud - Candidate

Private Sector

A private sector use, "in push to"
Assuming public availability of content without regard to privacy or confidentiality.
(no reasonable expectation of privacy)
This solution may work well for small and medium businesses.

Public Sector

A Public Sector use, "in push to"
Assuming public availability of content without regard to privacy or confidentiality (factoring/expecting public without any reasonable expectations of privacy).  

Public clouds are as stated intended for public use, the public use in a users perspective includes the ability to make decisions about privacy if necessary.  In current practice the decisions about privacy are not in place and not mature enough for any public or private use.  Assumptions that no reasonable expectation of privacy exist. 

Request for Information - Google Forms

Public Sector - Request For Information

Discreet survey request for information

  1. Survey - RFI
  2. Explanatory Notes

Creating a survey for suppliers to respond to an RFI

The following is an iFrame insertion into this blog to allow a visual example of a solution designed in Google Drive using an integrated set of applications. 

An online survey to solicit suppliers who have developed estimating or budget tools for a public sector treasury and ICT department. 

# Introduction This sheet provides explanatory notes which aim to assist the respondent in understanding our expectations in completing the response sheet

1 Background Our client, the Office of the CIO, is seeking to identify tools which might be used by South Australian Government Departments and Instrumentalities (Agencies) to establish better quality cost and benefits estimates as input into business cases for ICT enabled business transformation and business change initiatives.   This spreadsheet seeks to ascertain the extent to which the tools that you offer would be of value to these agencies.  Your response will contribute to our market research - it does not entail any commitment to purchase - simply to establish a better understanding of the tools that are on offer in this particular area.

2 Structure We have attempted to structure the response sheet such that an initial response can be provided in 24 hours - in terms of the scope of costs and benefits that the tool assists in capturing as it relates to a taxonomy of projects undertaken by agencies.  Following completion of the initial assessment and provision as a response, we would value additional comments being provided about the capabilities and features offered by your tools in the nominated areas.  This will enable us to undertake some initial mapping of tool footprints, helping our client to understand the scope that differing tools cover.  We hope it will help to identify whether there are single tools able to cover the majority of cases, or whether there are some complementary tools, each focusing on quite distinct segments of the problem space.

3 Philosophy The underpinning philosophy associated with our exploration of this space includes the following:
* there are no ICT projects, only business projects
* business change projects are about executing business strategy - about establishing the business capabilities required to support business goals and aspirations
* business change projects involve strengthening business capabilities and supporting technical capabilities
* costs and benefits will arise in relation to aspects of these capabilities and need to be considered as a whole within a business case
* business change projects often fall within a broader business change program - business cases may be prepared for business change programs or for subsequent business change projects

4 Project Taxonomy We have classified projects in terms of the following characteristics:
* stakeholder involvement (note 5)
* capability status (note 6)
* products delivered / used (note 7)
* services required (note 8)

5 Stakeholder involvement The following combinations of stakeholders may be involved in using the technical capabilities for a business change project:
* external (ie. customer or supplier or regulator interactions are involved in the scope)
* internal (ie. only employees are involved in the scope)
* multi-party (ie. internal and external, with external stakeholders having differing roles)
An increasing number of projects do have external interactions (customers, suppliers, etc)
An increasing number of projects involve a multi-agency approach to meeting business and community needs

6 Capability status The business and technical capabilities for a business change project may entail:
* establishing new capabilities that the agency did now own or use
* upgrading or enhancing existing capabilities in use by the initiating agency or available through another agency or external entity

Integration and transition arrangements are more complex when existing capabilities are within scope.  Hence, the interest in separating these two categories.  No doubt, many projects will have a mix, but some will be largely "greenfield" opportunities.  Activities which will need to be addressed include:
* business process change
* business transition planning
* system transition planning
* data conversion

7 Product This relates to the technical capabilities that are within scope for a business change project.  Are these technical capabilities based around application software that is:
* commodity product (used by multiple customers, often referred to as COTS - commercial-off-the-shelf)
* custom or bespoke product (developed to specifications provided by the customer)
The type of product signficantly influences internal versus contracted services/activities for the project as well as the range and mix of services involved (eg. software development versus software configuration).
8 Service There are a number of key service categories likely to be involved in any business change project.  We are interested in the extent to which your tools support each or all of these categories:
* software development
* software configuration
* software integration
* system adoption (acceptance testing, data conversion, training)
* business change (work procedures, cultural change, documentation, etc)

9 Cost taxonomy We have identified the following considerations in estimating and assessing costs for a business change project:
* capability types (note 10)
* capability components (note 11,12)
* financial (note 13)
* planning (note 14)
* analysis (note 15)

10 Capability There will be a need to distinctly identify costs associated with:
* business capabilities
* technical capabilities

11 Business capability Business capability costs may relate to improvements to:
* process
* information
* people (skills, knowledge, culture)
* other assets (office, vehicle, equipment, etc)

12 Technical capability Technical capability costs may relate to improvements to or use of:
* application software (development or customisation)
* application environment (DBMS, development tools, etc)
* operating system software
* middleware (EAI, ESB, etc)
* server infrastructure
* network infrastructure
* device infrastructure

13 Financial Financial costs will include:
* once-off
* ongoing

Financial considerations will also consider:
* investment / capital funding
* operating / recurrent funding

This will also require the ability to accommodate different pricing models - ownership of products versus use of services

14 Planning Program and project planning typically involves the following considerations, each of which generate cost profiles:
* inputs and outputs - products/services used and products/services delivered
* approach - work breakdown structure, resource demands, rates, costs
* risks - mitigation strategies may generate additional project activities and costs
* change - stakeholder engagement and change management strategies may generate additional project activities and costs
15 Analysis The analysis of costs and benefits needs to consider:
* economic analysis (note 16)
* financial analysis (note 17)
* sensitivity analysis (note 18)
* options analysis (note 19)

16 Economic Economic analysis takes account of partial use of assets, both existing and new, such that the cost burden attributed to the project is in proportion to the anticipated use by the project and therefore benefits claimed.  Cost benefit analysis will also consider the time effects of costs, generating an NPV for effective comparison of differing options

17 Financial Financial analysis is effectively cashflow analysis with the capacity to identify differing sources of funds for covering internal costs for which budget provision already exists versus external costs which create an explicit cash burden.

18 Sensitivity Typically, there are a number of project assumptions or parameters which can significantly impact on the overall economic analysis and project justification.  Examples include:
* adoption rate for technical capabilities (eg. transition plans for progressive rollout, adoption rates for consumer services)
* resourcing profile and associated project "speed"
* contingency provisions (cost categories to which provisions are applied, and rate agreed)
* resource costs (internal staff, backfill of internal staff by contractors, market rates for contractors)

19 Options Business cases may need to assess multiple options.  Invariably, an assessment of the differences between a "no change scenario" and "proposed change scenario" will be necessary.  Costs and benefits will be required for each discrete option.

20 Benefit Taxonomy We have identified the following considerations in relation to benefit estimation:
* capability (note 21)
* stakeholder involvement (note 5)
* timing (note 22)
* quantification (note 23)
* realisation (note 24)

21 Capability Benefits may be derived by a business change projects in relation to:
* business capabilities
* technical capabilities

22 Timing Benefits may be derived by a business change project as:
* once-off
* ongoing

23 Quantification Benefits may be assessed in the following ways:
* tangible / intangible
* measurable / unmeasurable
* financial / non-financial
* realisable / unrealisable (note 24)

24 Realisation Benefits may be derived by a business change project through:
* increased revenue/assets
* decreased cost
* improved productivity

Improved productivity creates capacity to undertake additional tasks but does not enable the benefit to be realised as a labour related financial saving

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Customer Route to Market

 Customer Route to Market


Customer Validity and Integrity of the Information

The legal evidence of arrangement between two companies prescribes the way changes must be managed and whom at your customer has the authorization to authorize a change.
customer records are managed, with a unique super user group including cross-functional approvers like the credit or invoice leaders, legal contract administrators and ERP Master Record Administrators from Finance. 

Record Retention - Audit Worthy Records Zero Data Loss

Each revenue transaction must be managed and monitored for the executive assurance, each record must be retained with zero data loss.


Each reporting period the CEO and CFO sign personal assurances that all transactions reported have met the legal and fudiciciary criteria outlined in Sarbane's Oxley 2002 Act. 
Income and Expenses reporting accuracy-a companies performance and market position are established based on the reports submitted for income and expense statement reporting.  
Decisions made by group consensus or Governance Councils may satisfy internal cultural considerations or internal political pressures, the desicions made do not protect the executives physical safety from being jailed or imprisoned and assessed a penalty. 


Risk Management Portfolio

Director and Officers Insurance covers the executives if any errors or ommissions surface.  


The reality is the decision made by a group does NOT justify or excuse the executives and board from any legal liabilities.
  • DNO insurance covers the penalties or fines assessed.  
  • There is no insurance to protect an executive from being imprisoned

Potential Threats 

If any customer master record was alter in a backend procedure, we must understand that the revenue must be excluded.   
Begin with the following technologies/tools
  • Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) or integration technologies
  • Data Quality Technologies - Cleansing processes specifically and profiling redundent data  
  • Replication Technologies
An exclusion of all transactions of the before mentioned type must be stated as an exclusion from revenue on the reported income statements.
Typically a line noted and reported as non-GAAP revenue. The transaction is point in time event, not a rule nor a justification to change the customer master records.


Management "create, read, update and archive" versus Transaction "event records".    
  • A transaction event record never prompts a change to the master record.

Segregation of Duties - Create Master Records versus Transaction Records

In addition to managing IT administrator access the requirement must manage the business segregation of duties between those who create, update and authorize both read and archive and the users who are involved with any part of the revenue transaction system.  


Even a crowd decision making process isnt going to remove the companies legal liabilities with regard to how a company manages customer information. There are at least 2 regulations at the international and 10 or more within industrialized countries.
The employee must have the span of control and a thorough understanding of each customers legal evidence of arrangement.

Service provider

RTM "routes to market" (avoid double counting)
ie..., Federal, Financial, Social Media and Retail
Provides a repeatable and generic way to pass through "all" build order transfer models. The middle lane, has a dependency on point of sales (figuratively by choice) models.
In these routes to market, your companies liability ends, the financial company becomes your customer and the end customer relationship should transfer.

Build order transfer

The ability to clearly distinguish accountability and manage both cost and liability at the decision point when a customer decides finance through your lender rather than their own financial investment company.
A key point in any resale or channel model infers a significant discount to the resale organization to buy and resell your offers, generally the reseller has attained a certification proving a mutually rewarding supply chain relationship.
If the seller carries the inventory, the risk and all other administrative burdens and overhead. The value of the resale has diminished and becomes purely overhead for any business.

User Centered Design Blog Statistics

1-62 of 62 A citizen is an individual in an agent role with a population Edit  |  Preview  |  De...