Duplication of roles and purpose
- The long standing dispute between Business process requirements and the data experts has taken on a new form of reality.
- Analytical purpose has become a breeding ground for shadow IT applications.
- The lack of documentation that a typical application would be subject to prepare makes it all the more difficult to address the issue at the root.
- Data people will be passively aggressive towards the Business Process Owners
- Business Process Owners will dismiss any opportunity that may be threatening what they believe they have the responsibility to govern.
Data is not a standalone commodity free for use by anyone interested.
- Data must remain unchanged with the application in which it was sourced.
- Applications must be aggregated with the respective db away from analytical warehouses.
- Anaytical data isn't held to the same controls as the applications used in operational "real-time" requirements
- e contained and re-used or re-keyed waste and inventory waste and over-production waste are all introduced by the lack of enrichment.
- Zero data loss begins to degrade at this failure to integrate and enrich across functional boundaries.
The life cycle of the events which enrich through each series of functional task in a sequential order based on decision points (often a functional point).
Business Process Owners have the accountability without even having visibility
- Data architects do not align with the system of record nor does the authentication and single sign on privileges are in conflict with the segregation of duties key control.Applications without any hardening and without testing the source code is unknown to the security architects.Without a separation of concerns the entire db will require Sarbanes integration and end to end script testing for every subscription.
Cost overrun and missed supplier commitments isn’t captured in the system of record. - Data at rest isn’t dynamic, it is an input or an output during operational transaction processing.
- These stakeholders have no idea and would be in violent disagreement with the way data is manipulated outside the systems of record.
- Appropriate use of enterprise assets
- Data experts have no regard for the process owners and neither side denies their feelings about this serious situation. Ignorance is not truly bliss.
- The business requirement conflicts with certain practices used to manage data according to several extensive reports on the subject.
that appear to be a priority over the business controls.