Sunday, December 22, 2013

Criminal Charges to explore in Data>Information>Knowledge>Wisdom Cases

Malicious Access-illegal monitoring of communications

(Node #278356)
Unauthorized access, unauthorized recording/taping, Illegal interception of electronic
communications, illegal monitoring of communications, surveillance, eavesdropping, wiretapping, unlawful party to call

Computer and Internet Crimes

(Node #278358)

Bullying and cyberbullying

(Node #278377)

Child abuse

(Node #278378)

Confidentiality - personal and employer risk

(Node #278363)
Confidentiality violations: including laws that apply to the agency the perpetrator works for

Consumer protection laws

(Node #278367)

Criminal Trespassing

(Node #278366)
Burglary, criminal trespass, reckless endangerment, disorderly conduct, mischief, obstruction of justice,
possession of a device for unlawful purposes

Defamatory libel

(Node #278365)
Defamatory libel, slander, economic or reputation harms, privacy torts

Felony Menacing via electronic surveillance - Special circumstances

(Node #278373)
Stalking and cyberstalking (felony menacing by, via electronic surveillance, etc.)

Fraud - network intrusion

(Node #278359)
Computer and Internet crimes: fraud, network intrusion

Harrassment and Assault

(Node #278374)
Harassment, threats, assault

Identity theft

(Node #278360)
Identity theft, impersonation, pretexting

No Contact or Mutual Separation Agreements

(Node #278369)
Violation of no contact, protection and restraining orders
Agreements between employee and employer in agreement to separate without termination action.

Hold harmless and agreement not to speak negative about the company or employee.

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